Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Inspires you out of a Work Slump?

Today I am working on a project for a new client. You get all of those “new client” jitters. You want to prove yourself, please them. But in order to do my best work, I have to hush those voices. I am at my best when I am relaxed and inspired.

How do you get inspired? I never begin writing anything, no matter how petty, until after I say a prayer. This is a ritual I never shared until now. I pray for God to use me and bless my work. Then I plug in my iPod, listen to tunes in line with the vibe I am trying to create and just float … I let the words and images come to me. And before I know it my fingertips are moving over my keyboard.

No matter what we do, it’s important for us all to be inspired from time to time. Whether it’s a beautiful tree outside your window, the laughter of your spouse or just the feel of a hot shower after a long day – we need that moment. A second of rejuvenation to gather our thoughts can work wonders. How do you get in the mood for work? Share, discuss and enlighten.

And a special shout out to Troy Reed and Lee Green of the Black Business Builders "Speak Up" Blog Radio Show. It was great to hear about all of the entrepreneurial endeavors around our country. And it was my pleasure to be featured on the show!

1 comment:

  1. You...are...awesome! This blog is so great. I really hope more people read this and get what you're saying, because let me tell you, its important stuff.
