Monday, January 10, 2011

My vision board makes me invincible

Sometimes when it comes to having vision, I literally need it. When I first decided I was going to put together a vision board, I thought it was pretty corny. It was about 2007/2008 and I decided to search my favorite books and magazines looking for quotes and images that inspired me. After I assembled an impressive collage and hung it up near my bed, the corniest factor was still alive and well.

In fact, when my son cocked his brow at it and asked me what it was, I blushed a bit. I said something like, “It’s a vision board. It’s what I want out of my life,” and he sort of shrugged it off and moved on to the next thing, like adolescents his age so often do. However, the first time I woke up in the morning and glimpsed the vision board in the early morning sunlight, I realized its true purpose – renewed inspiration. Since then, the corny factor has evaporated.

I don’t think I could live without my vision board. I have gotten pretty skilled at it, too. Now, each year on my birthday, I create a new board with things I want to see for me in that year. I try to be well-rounded, optimistic, a little realistic, but hopeful, as well. Hell, to give myself a boost of confidence and extra oomph on the days I want to curl back in bed, one look at words like “Warrior Woman” and I’m up and in the shower. On the days I’m feeling a bit selfish, images of giving back to my community remind me of the things I NEED to do.

I have inspirations for home, work, inner reflections, external hopes, any and everything under the son. This year I have my own special motto, the very most important piece on my vision board for my 30th year of life … in between all of the images and quotes in big red letters on a blue background, it reads, “REVEAL THE WOMAN WITHIN.” Trust me; it takes a lot more courage to do that than anything else on that board. And even a lioness needs something to get that roar going.

What are some of the things you would put on your vision board?

1 comment:

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